Colección: EcoFreax

6 productos

EcoFreax a vista de pájaro

  • Sostenibilidad

  • Una misión con nuestro planeta

  • Impulsado por la gente

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  • Sustainable

  • Green Activism

  • Gives Back

    Family Owned

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  • Si bien algunas de nuestras marcas cuentan con certificaciones de sostenibilidad reconocidas mundialmente...

  • Otros están haciendo avances graduales hacia estos objetivos con una fuerte mentalidad ecológica.

  • Todos se guían por valores éticos, remuneración justa y conciencia medioambiental.

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Incluso el más pequeño aleteo cuenta

Su mentalidad de sostenibilidad

The brand champions environmental sustainability by promoting eco-friendly lifestyles and providing a wide selection of products that reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.

El poder se genera a partir de la unión de voces

Los impulsores detrás de su historia

EcoFreax was founded with the mission of making sustainable living accessible to everyone. The brand aims to provide customers with options that align with their eco-conscious values and help reduce their carbon footprint.

EcoFreax: Ecofriendly Personal Care


EcoFreax offers a variety of eco-friendly products focused on sustainable living. Their range includes personal care, wellness, home goods, and eco-kids items designed to help customers live more sustainably. Their product catalog features natural, eco-conscious solutions like bamboo products, eco-friendly cleaning tools, and zero-waste options.

Find more Sustainable Personal Care and other Family Owned brands like EcoFreax