About sustainability, Eco-Fashion, and ethics...

All those concepts around friendlier environmental fashion have already been invented by the big brands. We have also heard the same words from those big retailers that invest copious amounts of money in "greenwashing" marketing without fulfilling their promises exactly as they say.

The Guardian, a well-known UK newspaper, revealed that major brands like H&M, Zara, and Marks & Spencer were sourcing viscose from factories in Indonesia, India, and China, resulting in significant environmental harm. The production of this viscose fabric contributed to issues such as water pollution from untreated waste and air pollution. This concerning report underscores the ongoing challenges in achieving truly organic and eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry. In regards to ethics, and not any less important, we have seen disasters like the "Rana Plaza" which killed 1,134 people after a building came crashing down due to the poorest working conditions.

From a business perspective, we need to act fast and implement the ecological mindset in all our processes and resources. Despite the good intentions, it is difficult for the end user of fashion to be aware of the impact that their brand's choices are making on the planet.

Our BIRDWATCHER Planet indicator gives brands an overall look at their planet's responsibilities while helping customers find clothing that matches their values.

  • Working conditions & Labor
  • Environmental Impact
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Responsible animal fibers
  • Transparent Value Chain
  • Design for Circularity & Product longevity
  • Commitment to Sustainability
  • Responsible E-Commerce

Click these links if you want to learn more about the standards that support our validation, please check the pages for Sustainable Fabrics and Planet Focused Certifications.